
Top inventions range from low-tech to high-tech

Ĺ empeter pri Gorici, 17 November - Products ranging from low-tech to high-tech received accolades for top inventions at the Slovenian Innovation Forum on Tuesday.

Lucky3in1, a wooden training bike for kids that can also be converted into a trike or scooter, was named the best invention by an individual or group of individuals.

In the category micro companies the honour went to Arhel, which developed a mini robotic boat used to detect and control cyanobacteria in bodies of water.

Subglider, a wing-like device for towing snorkelers underwater, won the company Maremico the award among small companies.

Steel maker Acroni meanwhile took the accolade among big firms for its special high-carbon steel called X120Mn12.

Arhel's robotic vessel was also honoured for the best innovation with a social impact along with a high-tech wooden window by M Sora.

The awards were handed out at the Slovenian Innovation Forum by Spirit Slovenija, the public agency in charge of promoting entrepreneurship and foreign investment.