Cardiology congress wraps up
Ljubljana, 21 April - The international congress of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology, EuroPrevent 2018, wrapped up in Ljubljana on Saturday after hosting over 1,300 experts from forty countries.
The main topic of the congress was life-long cardiovascular prevention based on scientifically proved findings.
The chair of the Slovenian Association of Cardiologists, Zlatko Fras, said the selection of the topic was driven by the spread in recent years of alternative approaches that are not underpinned by science and entailed significant risks.
The congress features presentations of new findings on fats, sugars and salt in the development of cardiovascular disease, and progress in diagnostics with the help of genetic analysis and psychosocial studies.
There were also presentations dedicated to narrower, more specialised fields, for example sports cardiology.
About 60 Slovenian experts took part in the congress, which was organised outside north-western Europe for the first time. Fras said this was a huge recognition for Slovenian cardiologists.
The European Association of Preventive Cardiology has more than 6,000 members and is a part of the 90,000-member European Society of Cardiology.