
STA wins Google grant to develop digital assistant for editors

Ljubljana, 21 March - The Slovenian Press Agency (STA) has secured funding from tech giant Google's Digital News Initiative (DNI) Innovation Fund to develop a digital assistant for editors.

The STA plans to develop an advanced prototype tool called D4Editor that will assist editors in keeping track of stories by leveraging natural language processing technology in automatically uncovering potential coverage gaps.

Additionally, it will provide editors with deep insights into in-house production and reach, to help them better manage their workload.

While the STA has worked on previous Google-funded projects, as partner in the Event Registry project and external partner in the Parlameter, this is the first time it has secured Google funding as an independent applicant.

D4Editor is the only Slovenian project to receive funding in the sixth and final round of calls issued as part of Google's DNI Innovation Fund, and the seventh Slovenian project overall to be funded.

A total of 103 projects from 23 countries were selected, show the results of the call released on Thursday.

Digital News Initiative is Google's attempt to support journalism in the technological age. Developed in conjunction with several major European publishers, it was funded with EUR 150m.