
Newly established AI centre hosts first event

Ljubljana, 30 July - The International Research Centre On Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI), which was established under the auspices of UNESCO in March, completed its first cooperation with UNESCO this week, an online consultation on drafting of guidelines about AI ethics.

IRCAI, which is a part of the country's top research institute, the Jožef Stefan Institute, hosted the online conference involving players from Europe alongside the Ministry of Education, IRACI said in a press release.

Apart from Slovenia, 23 other countries had been invited by UNESCO to nominate AI experts for ethics guidelines cooperation: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

The experts participating in ongoing discussions come from a variety of fields and interest groups, including the academia, science and technology, civil society, the private sector, governments and broader public.

The conference that took place this week and other regional debates will serve as foundation for the drafting of recommendations, which will be discussed by a task force of experts from the 24 countries again in September.