
First image by Slovenian satellite Nemo released

Ljubljana, 5 November - SPACE-SI, the Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies, posted on Thursday the first images made by their satellite Nemo HD, which was launched into space in early September.

The microsatellite, launched together with another Slovenian satellite on 3 September, will circle the Earth for the 1000th time this weekend, says SPACE-SI's website.

The centre posted what it termed "the first, historic image" the microsatellite made above eastern Slovenia on 18 September.

Although the image only shows clouds, the team is very happy that the sensitive optic system survived the pressure and acceleration during the launch.

The centre said that all of the satellite's vital systems were working well.

Nemo HD is producing panchromatic and multispectral images, helping monitor the Earth for agricultural, forestry, urbanist and maritime transport purposes.

The launch and calibration of the 65-kg satellite is expected to be completed at the end of December, to be followed by technological demonstrations.

Nemo HD and Trisat were launched as the first Slovenian satellites to be ever launch in space after a series of delays due to poor weather.

They are seen as an important milestone for Slovenia's and European space technology efforts.

The launch, which took place in French Guiana, was part of a project by the European space company Arianespace.