Slovenia gets new seismic hazard map
Ljubljana, 3 March - The national Seismology Office has presented a new seismic hazard map for Slovenia, taking into account the latest seismic and geo-tectonic data. The upgraded danger levels and risk assessment are based on the new findings of the past two decades.
The old seismic hazard map dates back to 2001 and the new one will step into force when the changes to the earthquake resistant construction legislation are passed.
Based on the new earthquake risk assessment, engineers will establish whether national building codes in line with the Eurocode 8 seismic hazard zoning standards need to be changed.
The new map shows peak ground acceleration as well as spectral acceleration to include all possible building frequencies.
Seismic hazard levels are assessed for firm ground sites using earthquake sources probability assessment and taking into account the expected lifespan of average buildings.
The upgraded version was drawn up based on the latest data used for the new European seismic hazard map and specific regional circumstances. The list of earthquakes in the country and its vicinity has been brought up to date as well.
Active faults or ground breaks and their sources, defined by the Geological Survey of Slovenia, have been included in the map for the first time ever, meaning risk levels are now assessed not just on the basis of previous quakes but also on potential fault hotspots.
Areas with the highest earthquake hazard in Slovenia are the Posavje region in the east, the Novo Mesto area in the south-east, the capital Ljubljana and certain areas in the north-west and west of the country, particularly the Kobarid, Bovec and Idrija areas. On the other hand, the coast, the Maribor area and the north-east are safest.