Supercomputer Vega delivered to Slovenia
Maribor, 23 March - Vega, the biggest supercomputer in Slovenia and one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, has been delivered to Maribor and will be launched at the Institute of Information Science (IZUM) in April. IZUM director Aleš Bošnjak said it will enable scientists to take part in major international research projects.
The handover document was signed on Tuesday by EuroHPC, a public-private partnership for European high-performance computing, and IZUM.
Atos, a company headquartered in France, has been chosen as the vendor, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport said in today's statement.
EuroHPC executive director Anders Dam Jensen said that Vega will significantly enhance Europe's computing capacity.
"The growth will continue with other countries receiving six new supercomputers this year, which will create a cutting-edge European supercomputing ecosystem and significantly contribute to Europe's digital independence."
The supercomputer, valued at EUR 17.2 million, will provide 6.8 petaflops, which means 6.8 million billion computing operations per second.
Named after 18th-century mathematician Jurij Vega, Vega is one of the EU's eight high-performance computing (HPC) centres, the others being in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain.