
IJS marks accession to European innovation community

Ljubljana, 12 December - The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, has formally become a partner of the EIT Manufacturing innovation community, part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). To mark the occasion, the institute will hold technology-related events on Monday and Tuesday.

At Monday's opening event, the IJS will become a full-fledged member of the EIT Manufacturing community, a hub for Europe's leading manufacturing experts.

With Ljubljana Innovation Day - Robotics and Manufacturing, the institute wishes to showcase the skills and power of Slovenian robotics through research, development, and innovation, a press press release form the IJS reads.

On Tuesday, the events will take place at the Grand Hotel Union, and at the institute's headquarters, both in Ljubljana. They will include a number of round table discussions, lectures, and presentations on the IJS's activities, with many top-notch Slovenian and European experts in attendance.

A key part of the programme will be the presentation of the final results of the EU-funded SmartFlexCell project, coordinated by the IJS and partners from Spain, Denmark, and Lithuania as part of EIT Manufacturing.

Its goal was to create a "reconfigurable robotic cell that would allow for a personalised, cost-effective and small-batch production in Europe, specifically at an IJS's spin-off company," said IJS researcher Igor Kovač.

"By joining EIT Manufacturing, the IJS ... hopes for a transfer of basic skills and knowledge of robotics, materials, steering systems, AI, and manufacturing into Slovenian and European industry," Kovač said, noting that the institute would become part of the top European manufacturing community.