
Best student theses on Slovenians abroad receive awards

Ljubljana, 17 October - Minister for Slovenians Abroad Matej Arčon conferred on Tuesday awards for the best theses and dissertations dealing with Slovenians abroad. The 21st edition of the competition saw 17 submitted works, for a total of 373 works in the 21 years.

The competition is organised in two categories, one focused on theses discussing Slovenian minorities in neighbouring countries and the other on works on Slovenian emigrants.

The winner of the first category was Dominik Srienc with a PhD dissertation on the literary writing of Florjan Lipuš. Jasmina Klanjšček placed second with a master's thesis on the importance of sound awareness in a bilingual kindergarten. Helena Lupinc took third place for a bachelor's thesis on the National Hall in Trieste, a Slovenian community centre.

In the second category the winner was Nadia Molek for her PhD dissertation on the processes of establishing the identity of Slovenians in Argentina. Neli Skočaj took second place with a master's thesis that posed the question whether knowledge of the Slovenian language was a prerequisite to experiencing the Slovenian ethnic identity. Third place went to Alenka Tratnik for a master's thesis on the experience of migration as a source of learning.

The winners in both categories will receive EUR 800, while the authors in second place will receive EUR 600 and those that placed third EUR 400.

Arčon noted that the works are extremely precious to the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad and very enriching for the Slovenian community at large.