
Morigenos sampling sea DNA for biodiversity research

Piran, 19 November - Morigenos, a Slovenian dolphin research association, has started sampling environmental DNA in the northern Adriatic Sea as part of the SeaInsights project. The project is a shared effort of Slovenian and Italian partners to find innovative ways to monitor and maintain sea biodiversity.

Effective methods for monitoring biodiversity in real time are needed as sea species and habitats are in decline, Morigenos said.

The SeaInsights project uses advanced eDNA technology to sample the genetic material that organisms extract into water.

"This allows scientists to identify and monitor different sea species without the need for invasive sampling and without having to see them," Morigenos said, adding that the project focuses on crabs, fish and sea mammals.

In the coming months Morigenos and the Italian project partner Shoreline will collect samples in the Trieste Gulf.

The data collected will help track the diversity of target species. The project partners will also prepare guidelines for monitoring sea biodiversity with the use of eDNA sampling and analysis.

The SeaInsights project is funded by the EU as part of the Interreg Italy-Slovenia programme.