Koper research institute signs cooperation agreement with EMUNI
Piran, 4 February - The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) and the Koper Research Institute signed on Tuesday a cooperation agreement with the aim to strengthen research and education collaboration.
The Koper Research Institute director Rado PiĊĦot said that the cooperation with EMUNI will bring a new dimension to the institute's work in research and education.
"We will work with EMUNI to develop interdisciplinary study programmes that will connect the local and international environment. Together we will solve the key current challenges of the Mediterranean," he said.
Piran Deputy Mayor Christian Poletti expressed the support for the cooperation agreement on behalf of the mayor. Piran is always ready to support initiatives for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and culture, Poletti said, adding that he expects the cooperation will bring new opportunities for both Piran and the region.
EMUNI president Rado Bohinc said that the new partnership will allow them to strengthen the connections between researchers, experts and students and allow the knowledge and innovations to be used in practice. EMUNI connects students from the entire Mediterranean and creates bridges between cultures and traditions, Bohinc said, stressing the international dimension of the cooperation with the Koper Research Institute.
The agreement is not just a formal connection but expands and specifies the areas of cooperation, defines project orientations and the development of research initiatives. It foresees cooperation in joint research projects, student and researcher exchanges, development of study programmes and joint applications to international tenders. It also defines the roles of the partners in managing projects, funding research and organising events.
EMUNI was founded in 2008 with a seat in Piran, which is where most of its activities take place.